Saturday, January 22, 2011

Snow Is Here!!!


Miss Chloe’s face looks so fat because her mouth is full of ‘ICE.’  No worries though because no dogs had been in our front yard so it was yellow snow free.

After we bought the house, I think just about everyone openly wondered what the driveway would be like when it snowed.  Now we can answer that…slick but not impossible to get up.  It definitely needs to be scooped if there are a couple inches but it’s manageable.  This week I shoveled in the midst of the snow storm.  It was pretty depressing to have one side look untouched when I went to the other side since it was snowing so much at that time.  Believe it or not, our neighbors driveway has more of an angle than ours and she couldn’t get up it right after shoveling.  I helped her get her car up the driveway and she told me that her husband has a snow blower so don’t shovel our driveway because he would do it.  I went out around 8:30 that night to shovel and he comes running over telling me to stop.  He fired up the snow blower and soon after getting done, I was looking for a snow blower on craigslist. 

Trey has been sitting up very well without help and is starting to get pretty demanding.  He starts squirming and getting fussy quickly which is his way of saying ‘PUT ME IN MY STANDING SAUCER NOW!!!!’  Here’s some video of him.

We took the dogs to the vet this week and got some bad news about Maddie.  Her kidney function has been borderline bad for awhile.  Our guess is its due to the severe urinary tract infections she had when we first got her.  It took almost a year from when we got her to get her infections gone.  Since then she’s had no issues.  The vet told us  she’s had a noticeable worsening in her kidney function so we are starting her on special food to hopefully keep things from getting worse.

Chloe got a new snow suit this week.  She’s been asking to go on a walk and outside for weeks but the temperatures and snow haven’t really allowed it.  This morning, Chloe and I made the trek to the front yard.  She was quadruple layered everywhere except her gloves, which was double layered.

She initially had no idea what to do but then started to really get into throwing the snow.  Maddie was in the yard with us and was playing with Chloe too.  I had to basically bury Chloe’s legs from the knees down so she wouldn’t fall due to the pitch of our yard.  Then we got the saucer out and our yard is perfect for a little kid to sled in. 

Chloe and I worked on doing snow angels, but we don’t have that figured out yet.  She just laid in the snow stuffing it in her mouth and laughing. 


Here are more pictures of Chloe in the snow.

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