Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What a busy busy time

Last weekend we went back to Wichita for Scott’s engagement to Alyssa.  EVERYONE knew but Alyssa.  It was fun as Scott had a bunch of our family and her family as well as friends show up on a trolley outside of a restaurant that he and Alyssa had dinner at on Saturday.  When they came out, Scott dropped to a knee and put the ring on her finger.  It was a fun night as people came over to Terri and Mike’s house afterwards.  That was also the first night we’ve been without Chloe for the entire night.  She spent the night in Augusta with Grandma and Grandpa Lewis and had a great time.

Chloe has now decided that everything with four legs is a dog and needs to be told ‘no’ since we tell Maddie and Lawrence ‘no’ often.  She seems to be walking better on a daily basis and has two bottom and two top teeth with 4 more top teeth on the way.  This really is a great time with her as she is so interactive and fun.

Kelly goes back to the OB next week for another sonogram.  It is called a BPP (biophysical profile) and they will be doing some specific measurements and Trey will get a score of 0 to 8.  The higher the better.  Based on Kelly delivering Chloe early and there not being a large amount of fluid when Kelly’s water broke last time, the OB thought we should do at least one of these at this point in time.  Trey and Chloe are so different at this point in time.  We could only feel Chloe move a little bit but Trey is always on the move.  Last night we sat in bed just watching Trey push out on Kelly’s tummy.  It was really neat and happens all the time.  Odds are if you see a picture of Kelly, she’s holding her tummy because Trey is kicking and she’s feeling him.  Safe to say, she’s getting very attached to this pregnancy. :)  Trey’s room is mostly complete now that Kelly’s sorted all of the random stuff we had in there so the furniture will be delivered soon and we will be ready.

Here are some pictures from last weekend.

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