Sunday, May 30, 2010

Water Bug


Yesterday the pool opened in our neighborhood and it was Chloe’s maiden voyage to any pool.  She was very anxious initially but got comfortable quickly.  The rubber ducky was her security blanket.

Kenny, Carrie, the kids, and Grandma Karen came over last night for dinner.  Chloe still is resistant to say ‘mom’ or ‘mama’ but she said ‘hi Kenny’ without any problems…many times!

Monday, May 24, 2010

No News is Good News

Kelly had another doctor’s appointment today and she’s not changed since last week so that is great news.  It sounds like the pool of when Kelly would deliver Trey is starting to lose quite a few people.  Trey is still moving all around and keeping Kelly running to the bathroom quite frequently.  I’m really lucky to work so many good people.  I sent an email in the middle of the night to our residency coordinator letting her know that I wasn’t coming to work on Thursday and by noon I had tons of people emailing me and calling asking if we needed a babysitter for Chloe and if they could bring meals over.

Grandma Lewis was in town last weekend and we went to Deanna Rose Petting Farm in Overland Park.  It was our first time there and Chloe absolutely loved it!  Her favorite were the chickens and goats.  We fed them solid food and Chloe got very close to them.  When Kelly went to feed the goats from a bottle, it was a free for all amongst the goats.  Chloe had no problem pointing at all the animals and yelling ‘NO!’ at them except for the one time she probably needed to do it.  A goat started to chew on her skirt while Kelly was feeding the goat a bottle!  My favorite part was putting her on the Allis-Chalmers tractor that was very similar to the one I had growing up that is still packed away in my parents’ attic.  It was a blast and we will definitely go back.

Another new toy for Chloe is a bubble set.  She chased bubbles all over the deck.

I attached some pictures of the petting farm and some of the wedding from the week before.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Close call

Last weekend was more than just a little busy with tons of family in town for a wedding and graduations.  Things for Chloe were so far from a schedule, but she did well.  It made us realize even more that she is best with her normal schedule, but she is ok when things get off…and they got WAY off on Friday night.  The little cake devouring party animal didn’t go to sleep until 10:45 that night!

Last weekend wasn’t the biggest excitement we had in the last few days though.  Kelly went to the OB on Monday and she was 1cm dilated with her cervix 80%.  Cervices get thinner at the end of pregnancy and the fancy way of saying that is ‘effacement.’  She was exactly 35 weeks pregnant then.  Late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, I woke up to Kelly poking me at 1:15am telling me she felt a weird pain in her abdomen.  You have to remember that with Chloe, Kelly woke up with her water broke, large contractions, and she was 5cm dilated when we got to the hospital so there isn’t much reference for her or me as to what her beginning stages of labor are.  We ended up at the hospital after she talked to the OB on-call.  She wasn’t dilated any further but she definitely was having contractions on the monitor.  Luckily, the contractions slowed down and stopped so they sent us home.  Kelly’s been fine since.  I called in Thursday though for fear something might happen.

At this rate, the next blog update might include pictures of Trey!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

More furniture

Two more furniture additions were made this week to the house.  First, we got a king sized bed.  Now Kelly and Trey have their side of the bed while I have mine, two great nights of sleep later has me wondering why we waited until now.  Second addition is probably just a way to speed up our way to Chloe’s first concussion.  We got her a rocking chair for her room.  She loves it already.

Chloe also had her 15 month checkup today.  She tipped the scales at 21lbs 7oz (27%), 29in tall (11%), and head circumference at 17.5in (20%).


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers’ Day!

We spent this Sunday like we’ve done so many times, feeding our faces at the Argosy with Grandpa!  Chloe probably is going to be banned from there soon since all she does is yell and talk to the other tables while trying to personally bankrupt the buffet with the amount of blueberries she wolfs down.  We went to Grandpa’s and he’s now officially up to date with his technology.  His 42” LCD TV is mounted on the wall (thankfully the maintenance man did that!) and has his components now all hooked up.  The new camera he got has the computer software installed and hooked up now so he’s able to send pictures to people and print his own pictures!

Less than a week now and Kelly’s cousin, Steven, is getting married.  Tons of family are going to be in town.  Patti, Mark, Gwen, and Eric will be in town so I’m sure they will get a healthy dose of Chloe…maybe we should send Chloe back with them and Chloe will be less hyperactive due to the altitude/thin air!?  As if a big family wedding isn’t a big enough event for a weekend, Nick Kilgore is graduating from high school!  Nothing like making you feel old when you have memories that seem recent of a person as a very young kid but that person is now graduating. 

Here are some pictures of the headstone with the flowers we put at Grandma’s headstone.  It was a big deal for Chloe since she’s not been there before today.  Grandpa picked out the flowers, we wonder if he’s been working as a florist and we weren’t aware of it.  The flowers are very pretty.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What a busy busy time

Last weekend we went back to Wichita for Scott’s engagement to Alyssa.  EVERYONE knew but Alyssa.  It was fun as Scott had a bunch of our family and her family as well as friends show up on a trolley outside of a restaurant that he and Alyssa had dinner at on Saturday.  When they came out, Scott dropped to a knee and put the ring on her finger.  It was a fun night as people came over to Terri and Mike’s house afterwards.  That was also the first night we’ve been without Chloe for the entire night.  She spent the night in Augusta with Grandma and Grandpa Lewis and had a great time.

Chloe has now decided that everything with four legs is a dog and needs to be told ‘no’ since we tell Maddie and Lawrence ‘no’ often.  She seems to be walking better on a daily basis and has two bottom and two top teeth with 4 more top teeth on the way.  This really is a great time with her as she is so interactive and fun.

Kelly goes back to the OB next week for another sonogram.  It is called a BPP (biophysical profile) and they will be doing some specific measurements and Trey will get a score of 0 to 8.  The higher the better.  Based on Kelly delivering Chloe early and there not being a large amount of fluid when Kelly’s water broke last time, the OB thought we should do at least one of these at this point in time.  Trey and Chloe are so different at this point in time.  We could only feel Chloe move a little bit but Trey is always on the move.  Last night we sat in bed just watching Trey push out on Kelly’s tummy.  It was really neat and happens all the time.  Odds are if you see a picture of Kelly, she’s holding her tummy because Trey is kicking and she’s feeling him.  Safe to say, she’s getting very attached to this pregnancy. :)  Trey’s room is mostly complete now that Kelly’s sorted all of the random stuff we had in there so the furniture will be delivered soon and we will be ready.

Here are some pictures from last weekend.