Saturday, July 3, 2010

Grandpa meets Trey!

Grandpa and Grandma Karen came over for dinner today.  It was the first time Grandpa has been able to come over and see Trey since he’s had eye surgery.  Before meeting Trey though, Chloe of course had to be the center of attention and got Grandpa to dance with her!  At the end of the night, she then had Grandpa wrapped around her finger as she got him to rub her back while she watched TV.

The Lewis’ upgraded to a double wide!

There are hundreds of strollers that are made for two kids, but not many are made for the car seat we have…and of those, there aren’t many that Kelly can get lifted into the back of the car except this one.  I can say/type with a straight face that I never thought I’d be so happy and proud with owning a double wide.



Things are going well.  Last weekend we had people over to say good bye to Scott, hello to Trey, and celebrate the good news regarding Mike Dunaway (it’s not cancer!!!).  The Dunaway’s came up from Wichita and most of the KC Kilgore crew came over…even Billy! 

We think Chloe might have been influenced the most by this, although getting up in the middle of the night is a lingering thought of ours.   Kelly hasn’t been able to be around Chloe as much because Chloe has a cold so we are trying to keep Chloe away from Trey and not let get Kelly sick either so she doesn’t pass it on to Trey.  Babies less than 2 months old with a fever have to stay in the hospital for at least 2 days for IV antibiotics and they get a spinal tap to make sure they don’t have meningitis.  Maybe it’s just the paranoia of daddy the pediatrician, but we are persevering.  Chloe’s starting to keep herself more occupied though with her new kitchen set (pics below) and her new found love…blowing bubbles on the back patio. 

It has truly been a whirlwind of things with me going back to work the same week he was born and being on call that night, my mom here, the Dunaway’s coming up for a night, and us just adjusting to having 2 rear ends with diapers!  We obviously don’t have any reference, but things are going well.  Thankfully, Trey isn’t as high maintenance as big sister when she was his age.  Chloe was always crying from the reflux pain and needed to be held upright for at least 30 minutes after feeding along with needing changed almost every 2 hours because she would drench her clothes in spit up.  Trey might have a small spit up occasionally and only cries when he has his diaper changed.  He has displayed some impressive range with his urine while getting his diaper changed so that’s probably the biggest thing that we’ve had to deal with that we didn’t with Chloe.  His umbilical cord came off yesterday so diaper changes became much easier too. 

Well Chloe just woke up and is chattering away telling her stuffed dog ‘no’ and Trey has a poopy so gotta go.  Happy 4th to everyone!