Monday, October 26, 2009

Day to day operations in the Lewis house

Just a few snipits of the usual events in the Lewis’ home.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Baptism Getting Closer

Chloe’s baptism is November 1st and Grandma Lewis made Chloe’s dress.  Here are some pictures of her dress and just some other random pictures as well as a video of her in her dress…and Chloe’s remake of Jump Around.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Chloe & Pink Bear…8mos Together

This and That…

Guess who is 8 months old?!?!

It is a fact…the Lewis family is terrible at keeping the blog up to date. Chloe is growing like crazy AND she’s starting to move around all on her own. She’s not full blown crawling, but she’s doing a lot of rocking, rolling, scooting, and (her personal favorite) lunging. Today was the first day we decided not to put her on a blanket on the floor. We came to the realization that it’s just pointless to put her on a blanket because her goal is to get off of it as quickly as possible.

She’s come nose to nose (literally) with both Maddie and Lawrence. So far the pups have done really well with her. They don’t like it but they tolerate it.

She still loves her solid foods. The only food that didn’t agree with her is sweet potatoes (and that’s okay, Nana hates them too!) On 10/02 she weighed 16lbs. We made an visit to the doctor for a snotty nose and fever, thankfully no ear infection.

She’s learning new sounds too! She started squealing for as long as she can hold it and then she takes a deep breath once she’s done. She’s really started using her hands to match her growling and grunting noises.

She learned to purposely push a button on her standing saucer thing. I heard “Peek-a-boo! I see you!” about 100x in row. I thought it would have been annoying, but it wasn’t because about every 5th time, Chloe squealed with laughter like, “I’m doing this! I am sooooo amazing!”

She’s got a bit of “stranger danger”. She does pretty well if mom or dad holds her and will just look and take it all in, but the minute someone else tries to hold her then she starts crying. We are trying to work on fixing this problem!

Enjoy the videos. Those with a light stomach, you might not want to watch the end of the video of her in the crib.

Hopefully, we’ll have some pictures up soon.