Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Time for Dress Up....Again!

Dress up is something that needs to be done every few weeks. Now that the weather is changing and our little girl is a growin' we never know what is going to fit. Can't wait for the weather to get warmer....she has so many adorable summer outfits I know she is just wishing to wear!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Just Chloe!

Grandma Karen comes over to play

If Chloe wins the Nobel Prize, Grandma Karen will likely have been the inspiration.  Chloe is well equipped to become the next Doogie Howser with all her Baby Einstein stuff!  The camera has started to be moody so the pics are a little fuzzy. :(

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Calling in the reserves!

I was on call in the hospital yesterday until today so we decided to call in the reserves to give Kelly a hand.  Natalie came over last night and stayed with Kelly and Chloe.  She helped feed, burp, etc.  I’m not sure who was more thankful…Kelly for having an extra set of hands or Maddie and Lawrence since someone was around to play with them! 



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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Update on a little this and a little of that…

Chloe and Kelly went to Wichita for Easter last weekend.  Nana came to pick them up and then brought them back.  I unfortunately had to work Easter so I didn’t make the trip to Wichita.  The dogs were in heaven since they didn’t have to vie for attention with Chloe.  I posted pics from Wichita. 

Kelly took Chloe to the doctor Tuesday and she tipped the scales at 8lbs and 10.3 ounces!  The biggest news though is Chloe got her first big round of vaccines.  I didn’t go and the report that Kelly gave made me wonder who was more upset, Chloe or Kelly.  If things go according to our plan this week, Chloe will let both mom and dad sleep through the night.

Easter in Wichita

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spit up update

It is amazing how babies morph our lives.  6 months ago I was up and packing the car with Patrick on Saturday mornings for a tailgating and football Saturday.  Now I’m holding Chloe and typing a blog update on her spit up!  We took her to her doctor yesterday and she weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces so she’s gaining weight at a nice rate.  For reference, she was 7 pounds 7 ounces exactly 2 weeks ago.  However, the last few days have been awful for Chloe since she’s been spitting up more and fussy for 90 minutes to 2 hours after eating so she hasn’t been sleeping much…and neither has mommy.  We are now going to give her Prevacid twice a day.  If this doesn’t work by Monday, we are going to start a medicine called Reglan.  Kelly and I were so lucky that Chloe didn’t have any major problems being born slightly early, despite the fact tons of research is showing kids like her are a booming population of kids that do terrible 24 hours after birth.  This seems to be a nagging problem we’ll have for the foreseeable future partly due to her being early.  I’d take this rather than any type of pulmonary issue requiring breathing treatments though.

One quick thing, two patients that I got to know well during my intern year just passed away.  Dylan was 7 and Lynsey was 20.  Both had leukemia.  Keep them and their families in your thoughts today.  It makes me feel even more blessed to have a healthy baby when I think of them.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Grandma Karen visits

Grandma Karen came by for awhile to see Chloe.  We didn’t get any pictures until Chloe was starting to sleep; hence, the final pictures with Chloe looking a little out of it!


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