Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nana, Aunt Megan, and Lexi visit on St Pattys

Grandma and Grandpa Lewis

Nana and Grandpa Dunaway

Grandma Karen

Just Chloe pictures

My first real outting!

Last night, the three of us went over to our friends' house, Mike and Suzanne. It was the first time we've actually done anything as a family other than go to the doctor or go run an errand with one of us staying in the car with Chloe. It was so much fun to get out of the house! Kelly loved it because she put Chloe in something other than the same onesies and zip up sleepers. It was also the first time that Mike had got to see Chloe. Suzanne called us yesterday morning and was checking to see if we were still coming since the weather was getting bad, but we were so excited that it was going to take quite a bit more than just snow to keep us from heading out for the afternoon and evening. Here's some pictures of Chloe's outfit she wore. It is fitting that she wore this outfit for her first outing because it is the first outfit we bought her after we went to Kelly's doctor and found out she was pregnant. We realized the bonnet wasn't working so that got scrapped.